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Easily manage all your orders

Place your order 24/7
Reorder in one click
Make payment on the App
Get exclusive prices and promotions

Register in a few simple steps

Select “Sign up” > Choose “Owner” as your role & “Start Registration”
When you start the registration, we will request your phone number for 4 digits verification code.
Fill-up your personal information (including your business details and addresses) and your account will be ready in less than 12hours!

Hear from our users

Hear from our users

Itumeleng Mabe

The Joint.

Easy24 is making my life easier, as the Wholesalers overall catalog is on the application, its easier to navigate and adding product to carts is simpler. The benefit of using Easy24 is its convenient.

Kopano Ngwenyama

Wrong Tavern

Easy24 is convenient for me, easy to use and it saves time as i don’t have to wait for my order for a prolonged period. Without Easy24 it will be difficult to operate my business.

place your order in seconds


Choose a wholesaler

From the wholesalers active on the platform, choose the one you want to get connected to.


Select your desired products and promotions

Reorder previous purchase from basket history or favorite list.


Select your delivery details and validate

Track your credit limit and order progress directly from the app.

Discover our users

Easy24 for your business

Easy24 Support

Get in touch with our amazing Easy24 support team, online as well as in-trade support.

Register for free

Having access to Easy24’s network of wholesalers & services at no cost.

We have your favorite
local and international brands

Brand - Inverroche
Brand - Coca Cola
Brand - Heineken
Brand - Jameson
Brand - Absolut
Brand - Carling Black Label
Brand - Savanna

Let’s talk

Our team is here to answer any questions about our services offered. Share your contact details, we will be in touch shortly!


Frequent questions

Yes, you are able to link multiple stores to your single user profile.
Yes, your wholesaler’s salesforce can place orders on your behalf, HOWEVER, you will still have to approve the order before it can be processed. You can also let a Commando place an order on your behalf, you will still have to approve the order.
Once your order has been placed, you will receive a confirmation notification (email/SMS) from the wholesaler. This notification serves to inform them that they have received the order, this is not confirmation of the order.
Your order delivery date / time is as per your normal agreed days with your wholesaler. If special arrangements have been made, those need to be confirmed by the wholesaler.
Please contact your Commando or the Easy24 help